Spring boot - jackson 处理 JSON




  1. @JsonIgnore

    • @JsonIgnore是jackson的注解,通常当做标志注解(没有要赋值的属性),常用于属性上。
    • JSON序列化反序列化都会忽略该属性。
     public class user {
         private String name;
         private int age;
  2. @JsonIgnoreProperties

    • @JsonIgnoreProperties是Jackson的注解,jackson1版本和2版本有区别,1版本只能放在类上,2版本类、方法、属性都可以,为了保持习惯,一般还是都放在model 类的类名上
    • ignoreUnknown属性,默认为false,此时反序列化json字符串时,有bean中没有的字段,就会抛出异常
    • value属性,默认为空,可以放入要忽略的字段,作用和@JsonIgnore一样,可以统一管理忽略字段
     // 生成json时将name和age属性过滤
     public class  user {
         private  String name;
         private int age;
         private String address;
     // deserialization的时候会忽略除 name 和 age 之外的 条目
     public class  user {
         private  String name;
         private int age;
  3. @JsonIgnoreType

    • 修饰类
    • 忽略指定的类型的字段
  4. @JsonProperty

    • @JsonProperty是Jackson的注解,jackson1版本和2版本区别很大,用于属性上、set/get方法上,该属性序列化后可重命名。
    • value属性,1、2版本一样,默认为”“,代表该属性序列化和反序列化时的key值
    • required属性,2.0版本新增属性,默认false,2.6版本之后只能用于@JsonCreator中。例子中required=true,当反序列化时,json串中没有x或y,就会报错。不实用,一般不用该属性
     private String name;  // name值为 “暮色”
     public String getUserIdStr() {
         return String.valueOf(getUserId());
     * Note that as of 2.6, this property is only used for Creator
     * Properties, to ensure existence of property value in JSON:
     * for other properties (ones injected using a setter or mutable
     * field), no validation is performed. Support for those cases
     * may be added in future.
     * State of this property is exposed via introspection, and its
     * value is typically used by Schema generators, such as one for
     * JSON Schema.
     public class MyClass {
         private Integer x;
         private Integer y;
         public MyClass(@JsonProperty(value = "x", required = true) Integer x, @JsonProperty(value = "value_y", required = true) Integer y) {
             this.x = x;
             this.y = y;
  5. @JsonFormat

    • 此注解用于属性或者方法上(最好是属性上),可以方便的把Date类型直接转化为我们想要的模式,比如@JsonFormat(pattern = “yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss”)
      * 格式化日期属性
     @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
     private Date birthday;
  6. @JsonUnwrapped

    • 指定某个字段(类型是POJO)序列化成扁平化,而不是嵌套对象,在反序列化时再包装成对象
     public class ExampleMain {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         Department dept = new Department();
         Employee employee = new Employee();
         System.out.println("-- before serialization --");
         System.out.println("-- after serialization --");
         ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
         String jsonString = om.writeValueAsString(employee);
         System.out.println("-- after deserialization --");
         Employee employee2 = om.readValue(jsonString, Employee.class);


     -- before serialization --
     Employee{name='Amy', dept=Department{name='Admin', location='NY'}}
     -- after serialization --
     -- after deserialization --
     Employee{name='Amy', dept=Department{name='Admin', location='NY'}}

    如果没有prefix / suffix

     public class Employee {
         private String name;
         private Department dept;


     -- before serialization --
     Employee{name='Amy', dept=Department{name='Admin', location='NY'}}
     -- after serialization --
     -- after deserialization --
     Employee{name='Admin', dept=Department{name='null', location='NY'}}
  7. @JsonView

    • 可以定义视图
     public class Views {
         public static class Public {
     public class User {
         public int id;
         public String name;
     public void whenUseJsonViewToSerialize_thenCorrect() 
       throws JsonProcessingException {
         User user = new User(1, "John");
         ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
         String result = mapper
         assertThat(result, containsString("John"));
         assertThat(result, not(containsString("1")));
  8. @JsonSerialize 和 @JsonDeserialize

    • @JsonSerialize用于属性或者getter方法上,用于在序列化时嵌入我们自定义的代码,比如序列化一个double时在其后面限制两位小数点。
    • @JsonDeserialize用于属性或者setter方法上,用于在反序列化时可以嵌入我们自定义的代码,类似于上面的@JsonSerialize
     public class CustomDoubleSerialize extends JsonSerializer<Double> {  
         private DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.00");  
         public void serialize(Double value, JsonGenerator jgen,  
                 SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,  
                 JsonProcessingException {  
     public class CustomDateDeserialize extends JsonDeserializer<Date> {  
         private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");  
         public Date deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)  
                 throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {  
             Date date = null;  
             try {  
                 date = sdf.parse(jp.getText());  
             } catch (ParseException e) {  
             return date;  
     @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = { "word" })  
     public class Person {  
         private String name;  
         private int age;  
         private boolean sex;  
         private Date birthday;  
         private String word;  
         private double salary;  
         public String getName() {  
             return name;  
         public void setName(String name) {  
             this.name = name;  
         public int getAge() {  
             return age;  
         public void setAge(int age) {  
             this.age = age;  
         public boolean isSex() {  
             return sex;  
         public void setSex(boolean sex) {  
             this.sex = sex;  
         public Date getBirthday() {  
             return birthday;  
         // 反序列化一个固定格式的Date  
         @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDateDeserialize.class)  
         public void setBirthday(Date birthday) {  
             this.birthday = birthday;  
         public String getWord() {  
             return word;  
         public void setWord(String word) {  
             this.word = word;  
         // 序列化指定格式的double格式  
         @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDoubleSerialize.class)  
         public double getSalary() {  
             return salary;  
         public void setSalary(double salary) {  
             this.salary = salary;  
         public Person(String name, int age) {  
             this.name = name;  
             this.age = age;  
         public Person(String name, int age, boolean sex, Date birthday,  
                 String word, double salary) {  
             this.name = name;  
             this.age = age;  
             this.sex = sex;  
             this.birthday = birthday;  
             this.word = word;  
             this.salary = salary;  
         public Person() {  
         public String toString() {  
             return "Person [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", sex=" + sex  
                     + ", birthday=" + birthday + ", word=" + word + ", salary="  
                     + salary + "]";  


